starts from KC running from those men. gon stops YW from helping KC. KC jumps over a wall and puts his bracelet back on and goes into the room. a woman’s voice asks in Japanese – who are you. KC turns and looks at her. he does the hand on the chin pose YW taught him.
aide asks are you happy now that you saw her face. he gets a message from the guard who has been spying on TS and everyone so the aide says it’s too bad but we will be leaving now. GW says it hasnt started yet but the aide says the mood is already broken. SR tries to say there are more entertainment prepared so couldn’t you stay a little longer since this was a way to make up for last time , but the aide says sorry that she (SH) doesn’t want it. SR nods to her gisaengs so one goes over and pretends to run into fake SH and spill something on her. the other one pretends to clean up saying you should have been careful – these clothes are expensive and pulls on the back exposing a shoulder. so SR goes over and looks at the shoulder for the tattoo. she tells the girls you should have been careful. she apologizes to the fake SH. later on SR tells her girls you did well
SR tells GW that the woman is a fake. the one who attended is not the real one. the face you saw today is a fake one. GW asks what you just said – can you put your neck on the line? SR: if I do will you believe me? isnt it really strange? your relationship with her is over 20 yrs so why did she do this to you. GW wonders the same thing.
SH keeps asking questions and all KC says is hai. she asks are you Korean. KC: do you know how to speak Korean? he explains sorry for alarming you. I thought this room was empty so excuse me.normally in front of a guest’s room there was a lantern. her men are at the door asking if she is ok. they must have mentioned KC cuz she asks him- were you running away from them. KC explains I’m not being chased cuz I am a bad guy – the bad men were chasing me – it’s for real– please believe me. she makes her men leave. he sighs with relief and says thank you for believing me- you speak Korean well even though you are a foreigner. she says I am Korean.I’m staying here for a short time cuz of work. he gets closer and tells her to be sure to try and taste 3 dishes here cuz they are the most famous and delicious at the Inn. she says you know the Inn well. he says yes. before the lord park MS passed away I did. he says be sure to taste those dishes and you wont regret it. she asks what is your name. he says CKC. he says cuz I was thrown away in the river so I am choi KC. he leaves and she sees the piece of the map he dropped on the floor
*at this point she didnt know he was thrown away in the river so she doesnt know he is her son.
YW peeks out and wonders what happened to KC. he comes up behind her and asks where she is looking. she asks what happened. what did you mess with to turn the inn upset down. he says I will explain after we get out. let’s get out of here first. TS comes over and says you cant go that way
SH looks at the map and yells for her aide
GW hears news about what happened with SH’s men and how they are after someone
TS sees KC and YW holding hands as he tells them they cant go a certain way cuz of the guards. KC thinks of another way but TS says they will already have men there and forbid anyone from exiting or coming in. KC says even if they did – there are 3 of us. we can get through. he asks YW: isnt that right? she nods yes. gon snorts when he sees them holding hands in front of them. TS says your identities cant be found out so follow me
GW asks what is going on. the aide says an important item is missing so GW asks what is it. does it have to do with our work too. then it has to do with me too and it’s important so answer me what is the missing item?
TS greets SR and says you are leaving now. SR says it finished earlier than we thought. he tells his servant to guide them home with the lantern. GW says to stop there. SR asks what is going on. he says I heard a thief came into the inn. SR: what does that have to do with us? GW: i thought about it and it’s an amazing coincidence. on the same night you came on purpose to meet her an important item went missing from my guest. she points out you are the one who asked me to come here. GW says you already knew full well that she couldnt go to the gisaeng house. SR asks so are you saying the missing item has to do with us. GW says of course I dont suspect you. just to be sure I want to check your girls. TS says I already checked these girls, but GW says I am asking SR right now. she orders all the girls to take their head covers off. the men search the girls. TS looks over at choi and shakes his head no. the men said nothing came out. GW asks did you check everywhere. the guy says yes. SR asks did you confirm now? can we leave now. GW tells his guard to catch any suspicious guys and especially check if any students came here cuz those students bother me. SR tells her girls let’s go now.
TS nods to choi. choi motions for gon, KC, and YW to escape with the gisaeng girls. they are wearing hanboks. KC and TS nod their heads at each other. TS looks back at GW and nods politely.
the maid takes them into CJ’s room. CJ is sewing when they all come in- she is working on a red vest for KC. WS spies and sees them go in
CJ asks what is going on – who are all these people.the maid shushes her. KC says CJ it’s us. gon YW and KC reveal themselves. CJ asks what is this. the maid says i will tell you the details later – for now take good care of these 3 cuz they will be staying here tonight. she leaves and the 3 stand around awkwardly till CJ smiles so they take off their skirts. SR comes in and calls gon and KC to meet with the elders.
SR greets SS and PJ saying sorry for making you come here. the situation was urgent. SS says it’s ok. (cuz it’s inappropriate for someone like SS to be here). PJ asks what KC is doing here. gon covers for him and says I brought him along cuz he knows the Inn well and we needed him. PJ asks did YW come too. gon and KC look at each other with guilt so PJ got his answer. SS asks what is the urgent thing you wanted to give us. KC says it’s a map
KC lays out the pieces of the map and one is missing. he looks for it as SS looks at the map. gon and SR and SS talk about the map – what’s marked and how much GW prepared. that it would have taken 6 months to prepare that much. gon thinks the murders might be related with this map. PJ suggest capturing GW to question him about why he made the map and stuff. SS says the evidence against GW is not enough with just this map cuz it doesnt prove he did it on his own. SR thinks if they rush and haul GW in it will complicate matters. SS and PJ use extra hard words to talk about a war that’s going to happen and how the country doesnt know about this and will just be used. that they wont be prepared. but KC cuts in and says this is strange -where did one go. I brought 8 pieces for sure so where did one go. he realizes where he must have lost it
SH goes to her men and asks what’s going on -that map that took a few months to make – did you get the map stolen? she shows the piece of the map and says find KC – he stole our maps. you know how important that map is to us. excuses wont work. even if you have to kill KC bring the remaining 7 pieces of the map
YW asks how did you lose one. KC: that’s what I am saying. YW: that woman you met in the room- you didn’t get your face shown right. KC: that…YW: did you get caught? KC smiles in guilt. instead of saying i got caught - we just say each other’s faces. gon says it’s ok if he just got his face shown as long as he didn’t give away his name. it wont make much of a difference. KC smiles again so they look at him in shock. YW: she knows who you are too? KC: she asked my name so how could I not reply. also I was grateful cuz she hid me. plus she looked really nice and honest. on top of that… gon jumps in and helps KC dig his hole and guesses: she must have been pretty. YW asks was she pretty? KC: instead of saying she was pretty – you know those faces – it’s the first time you saw her but she looks familiar like you’ve seen her before somewhere. that kind of face. YW: so she was pretty. KC: that’s not why it happened. gon: GW already has the scent that we did this but you gave away your identity to someone we dont know. gon says with sarcasm: you sure did well. KC says dont talk like that if you dont know the situation (I was in). she was a savior who hid me. YW says anyway – thanks to someone - it will be hard for us to leave tonight. let’s hide here and go back early tm morning when it’s light out. gon says yes master said that would be good too. KC says to YW again: it really wasn’t cuz she was pretty -for real. she looks away peeved. Gon holds back a grin. KC sighs.
PJ asks what did you just say – that JHM could be SH. SR says I havent confirmed it for sure yet, but with the info I gathered -the possibility – that’s the way it looks. the person we thought was dead came back. and WR who became a thousand year demon awoke again. PJ says if that is true I am worried about that kid KC. SR: if that is true - I am worried about JHM too. what was she thinking to show up in front of GW by his side. CJ is outside and hears all that
maid asks why bring the tray back when you were supposed to give it. CJ asks who is SH and what does she have to do with KC. also how does SR and PJ know her. maid asks how do you know that. CJ says just tell me
GW asks tell me – what else are you hiding from me? aside from the map and fake woman – what else is there? SH: you are going too far (in the way you are speaking). GW says he wants to know her objectives -stop playing around and decide right here. are you going to show me your face and continue our dealings or let’s just say our deal is over. from here on it’s a fight for life. if the map went into SS’s hands then I have to throw you away or else you stop playing with me. you choose. he is about to leave but she says wait a minute. she asks can you find the map. he says I will see your face and answer. she orders the screen be lifted. GW looks at her face and seems to recognize her. her guard blocks GW from getting closer.
GW goes to his room and says how could this happen. his hands are shaking.
back in that room GW asked her – aren’t you SH? she says what are you talking about. I am J. now that I showed my face – can you find my map. will you find it for me. GW calls for SB but the guard says he hasn’t recovered yet. GW breaks something in anger. TS watches that and leaves
SS reads a note from TS that choi brought over. SS looks at the 7 pieces of the map
SR thanks KC for the map cuz it made SS safe. KC asks if PJ was really angry. she says he wasnt angry – just worried. KC sighs and says if that’s true then thank goodness. she says seeing your face like this – your eyes look exactly like your mother. KC: do you know my mother? SR writes something on the paper. he asks what is this. she says haven’t you guessed yet. I am one of the four men of honor. are you shocked cuz I am a woman or gisaeng house owner. KC: that’s not it. she explains -in the men of honor -they dont discriminate- it doesn’t matter if you are a woman or man, noble or slave, or commoner or not. cuz it’s a gathering with one purpose/meaning. he asks what should I do with this. she says chop the wood that’s written on the paper. then bring the house you build from chopping that wood
YW paces and CJ asks do you know the name SH. they said KC’s mother’s name was SH. did you know? YW says no I didn’t know her name. CJ says she was a noble and became a gisaeng and ended up falling in love with KC’s father. do you know who killed KC’s father? they said it was a noble.
KC walks back to CJ’s room and cant figure out SR meant. KC: chop this wood and build a house. I dont know
CJ says that person was your father. I heard that person killed KC’s father. did you know that truth. so you knew. does KC know that truth? did you hide it from KC and act like nothing is going on and smile with that face. you are impressive. YW says don’t talk like that. CJ says the worst thing is to deceive – deceving - how is it different from betrayal. isnt that so? YW says this isnt something I should be speaking to you about. she opens the door to leave, but KC is there and heard it all. he asks what is all this talk YW. she just walks off. he stands there in shock
YW is outside and cries saying what to do. what do I go. gon sees her and asks why are you like this? are you hurt. she is crying and asks what do I do gon. he asks what’s wrong. she says it’s all over. now KC wont see me again. what do I do. she cries into her hands. he doesnt know what to do – he lifts his hands but doesnt touch her.
CJ goes over and asks how much did you hear. KC: from the start. she says I am sorry. I didn’t want you to know like this. KC: is it all true. she says I heard PJ killed (ran a sword through) your father. your mother was left alone and had you (gave birth) by herself. then she died. he leans on the door and cries.
SH looks at the 8th piece of the map and looks angry
WR is trying to hold in his pain and fury. he asks what is this place. SJ says my basement. you came here. if you just put this medicine on your wound but WR pins him against the shelves and asks who are you. SJ: it’s me WR – SJ. your only human friend SJ. WR lets go of him. he says go away don’t come close to me. he staggers away (it’s like WR is fighting with his demon side trying to keep it from surfacing but it’s a losing battle)
PJ has a guest. it’s SJ.
gon asks what do you mean KC is gone. CJ says he said he had someone to meet and left. i think he went to meet the person who killed his father. gon looks at YW. YW takes off running
KC goes to school and goes straight to PJ.
gon and YW are running. she is thinking – no you cant KC (cuz she is afraid KC will harm her dad)
cuz of SJ’s visit earlier PJ is expecting KC. he stands and throws the sword at him and says it’s that sword. 20 yrs ago with that sword I killed your father. KC asks why did you do that. PJ: I lost 15 of my students to your father. in the last moment he (WR )was going to attack your mother so I had no other choice. KC says was my father that terrible of a being? enough to attack the wife he loved -was he that cruel. PJ: your father was the one who was betrayed KC. I heard your father wanted to become human like you. so in order to get the gu family book, he tried to be good for a 100 days. but then he showed his real self to your mother and she fled in fear. so….KC cries and says: so is that why you killed my father? are you making an excuse now saying it was to protect my mother. PJ: did you hear it as an excuse. KC pulls out his sword and says: so my family’s tragedy started with the tip of this sword.
YW asks if KC came back. the kid says KC went to PJ. they are together right now. they look and KC comes out and looks at her. she sees his bloody hand and gon sees that too. gon runs inside with the kid in alarm to check on PJ. KC says her name but she walks right by him and goes to her father. just like the others, she thinks he hurt her father. KC remembers WR’s words: trust me – all you get is betrayal in return when you believe in humans
gon goes in and asks are you ok. YW comes in and sees the broken sword that KC broke it in half with his hands. KC told PJ whatever happened 20 yrs ago it happened among the adults before we were born so it’s between the adults so please dont involve that past with us. what happened between adults – you figure it out amongst yourselves. he threw the sword down on the table. YW realizes what she did wrong and runs out. she calls out his name but he is gone.
she finally finds him. she watches him looking at his bloody hand as the blue lights float around to heal his cut. she gets closer and stops. he notices her behind him. he turns to face her looking so sad. she says KC. he walks over and walks right past her and doesn’t hear her out. but then suddenly his arms go around her shoulders from behind. he says don’t ever do that again. dont make secrets from me. don’t pass by me like you don’t know me ever again. she says it was cuz I was so sorry -so sorry to you and I didn’t know what to say so I did that. I am really sorry. he cries and makes her face him and says look at me. I said look at me. she finally lifts her eyes to face him. KC: I like you. I like you a lot. YW: KC. she hugs him. he remembers WR’s words – don’t trust them. KC replies: I want to believe. WR: you cant ever be with them. KC: till the end I want to be with them. KC holds on tighter.
*I am bawling all over the place.
WR is still in the library and his veins get darker. black dots float around. he is becoming a demon
SH is suddenly afraid
*what the – why are we having a wuthering heights moment – she can sense WR turning into a demon miles away, but she doesnt recognize her own son right in front of her face.
GW is meeting with SH’s aide. GW says no matter how much I think about it – her face resembles someone. are you sure she doesn’t know the name YSH. the aide says I am sure. GW gives the paperwork for TS’s slave status (freeing him) and wont accept the money. the aide says how SH wants to pay but GW says this is my present to you. the guy says your kind heart is enough and only takes the paperwork. GW says it’s a waste cuz he wants someone like the aide. if you don’t like your job come to me. the aide says I will act like I didn’t hear that. GW says keep it in your heart cuz I mean it. the guy gets up to leave but GW says I heard the map was stolen by KC – is that correct. the guy says yes and leaves. GW asks did you say KC stayed at the gisaeng house last night. WS comes out of hiding and says yes he did. I saw him with my own eyes – he stayed overnight at CJ’s room – CJ – the one you treasure.
KC goes out to meet with CJ’s maid. she asks if he has been well. he says of course -what brings you here. she says CJ wants to meet with KC cuz she has something to say. she escorts him to CJ’s room, but looks guilty
YW’s teacher says some gisaeng named CJ came to see YW. since YW seemed to know her I let her go into the room. is that ok? gon remembers how KC said I will be going to the gisaeng house cuz CJ wants to see me (gon realizes something is off cuz CJ cant be in two places at the same time)
YW stands to greet CJ
KC thinks he is meeting with the real CJ but he isnt.
YW is meeting with CJ.
fake CJ pours him a drink and KC coughs cuz of the incense. she tells him to drink. he asks why alcohol suddenly. she says you and I have known each other for a long time but I never got to pour you alcohol before. why? do you not want to accept cuz a gisaeng poured it. so that is it. then I will drink it. he stops her and drinks it himself. she smiles. she says just one would make me sad so just one more. she pours again
YW asks why did you come at this time(of night). CJ says I came to say something. YW: about KC? CJ: yes it’s about KC
the incense is burning while she is drugging KC. KC looks at it as CJ pours and says drink just one more. he says I already drank four. she says this is the last one - if you drink it I will tell you why I called you here. he drinks again. the maid is outside and looks nervous. SR comes over. the maid asks what brings you here. SR asks is CJ inside. what’s wrong. what’s going on
gon goes inside and asks CJ - what brings you here. YW asks how can you be so rude gon – to come barging into a room without knocking when there is a guest here. gon says I heard you have an appointment with KC at the gisaeng house today so how is it that you are here. CJ: what are you talking about – that KC had an appt with me? gon: didn’t you know? CJ looks at YW
SR goes in and asks what is all this. open the doors to clear the air (of the incense so the illusion stops). SR asks what are you doing here WS. KC looks at WS in shock cuz she is no longer CJ. WS says I was just feeding KC the drugged alcohol. guards come in with GW and he says you did well WS. he asks have you been well KC? KC is drugged so he cant stand. SR tells KC not to move or it will make it worse. WS says he drank five cups of it. SR scolds – are you crazy? dont you know if you give him 5 cups he will die? (but that only applies to humans). WS argues even though he drank he wouldnt get drunk (drugged). GW confirms and says to KC: since you could hang on like this even after that many drinks – you really are a monster – there is no doubt. SR asks what is all this. explain. GW says be quiet. I am catching the one who came to the Inn last night and stole something. if you dont want to be misunderstood as the one who hid him – keep your mouth shut and stand back. he orders his men to drag KC out and take him to jail. KC is too weak to struggle
SH hears that GW caught KC. the aide says they want you to come now and confirm his face. SH goes and says I heard you caught KC. GW steps aside to show KC in chains. she asks did you find the map. GW says I gave him drugs so he hasnt come to his senses yet. I couldn’t ask him yet where the maps are. she asks why did you chain up someone who isnt in his right sense. GW: cuz I had a reason to chain him up – KC is not human. she asks what that means. GW says he has half his blood from a supernatural being/gumiho and half of him he has his mother’s human blood so he is half and half. to tell the truth I didn’t get to see his real self yet so I invited you to enjoy it together. how about it – wont it be fun to watch. SH realizes who KC is by now. GW orders the bracelet taken off. KC asks what are you doing. don’t do that. you can’t! the bracelet is taken off and KC starts to change. he yells out and his breathing changes. she cries and looks at her son. his eyes have changed color. he looks up at her. everyone is shocked but she is the only one who looks sad. GW asks her: how was it - is that monster the one you were looking for? is he the one you were looking for? she glares at GW. GW smirks. KC suddenly passes out.
Thanks To : and